Automated Tabulation Solution

Runner-App's intuitive interface allows you to quickly and accurately score your events, eliminating the risk of human error.

About Us

Simplify Scoring Process

Roots of Efficiency

Our roots are embedded in efficiency. Runner-App automates tabulation processes,

saving time for organizers and ensuring a seamless experience for participants.

Branches of Innovation

Our platform branches out into innovation, embracing evolving technology to redefine how competitions are conducted.

We're committed to staying at the forefront of industry standards.

Leaves of Transparency

Transparency is our commitment, reflected in every leaf of Runner-App.

We provide clear insights, fostering trust and fairness in every competition.

Event Setup

Create Your Competition: Begin by setting up your event on Runner-App.


Easily score and track participants' progress in real-time, ensuring accurate and fair results every time.

Automated Tabulation

Efficient Scoring: Runner-App efficiently scores and compiles results in real-time.

Results and Analysis

Runner-App: swift results and in-depth competition analysis, fostering transparency.


Our hard working team

Waren Auman

Project Manager | Full-Stack Developer

Harley Saring

Software Developer

Joel Pael S. Jr

Front-End Developer

Aparre Anthony B.

System Analyst

Jullian Rembert Orog

QA Tester

Nonito Odjinar

Project Adviser